In the construction industry, making strategic use of temporary work contractors can significantly improve a business’s productivity and, hence, its competitiveness. Here are just five of the ways using temporary construction workers can benefit your company.

1. Flexibility
Probably the most obvious benefit of using temporary work contractors, they are, effectively, an on-demand labour force you can tap into whenever necessary. Temporary construction jobs last for as long as the job requires. That can be as little as a day or as long as several weeks or even months. No matter how long the assignment, however, once it ends, there is no further obligation on the employer’s part.
2. Access To Specialist Skill Sets
Leveraging construction temporary services can open up opportunities to bid for contracts that would otherwise have been well outside the scope of your company’s abilities. This could be anything from restoring historic properties to creating ultra-smart, highly sustainable buildings.
Temporary work contractors can also be invaluable for dealing with the unexpected challenges that inevitably come up from time to time. Depending on your needs, they can help you with problem-solving and/or implement the preferred solution for you.
3. Reliability
In the real world, permanent staff are actually just staff with an open-ended contract of employment. At some point, they will leave the company either to retire or to move on to another employer.
You can require staff to give notice of their intention to leave. You can also provide them with incentives to stay (e.g., performance bonuses). Ultimately, however, they can, do, and will leave whenever it suits their plans to do so. This could potentially be in the middle of a key part of an important project.
By contrast, temporary construction workers commit to working for an agreed time only. Technically, they can also leave during that time. Practically, it is very much in their best interests to fulfil their agreed contract. This helps to build up a track record of reliability that can be key to securing future work.
4. Minimal Induction Required
Temporary work contractors arrive on-site fully prepared to do the job for which they were hired. All the relevant pre-employment checks will have been completed and their qualifications, skills, experience, and attitude will have been robustly vetted. All the employer has to do is give them a basic induction to the specific work site.
The speed with which temporary construction workers can make an impact can make them invaluable for getting projects back on track after delays. For example, if unexpected bad weather brings work to a halt, temporary work contractors can help to push it forward to where it needs to be.
5. Fresh Perspectives
Each time you bring in temporary construction workers, you are bringing in a fresh set of perspectives based on a diverse range of experiences. For example, temporary work contractors may have knowledge of methodologies, technologies, and work cultures that your company has never used. This means that temporary construction workers can contribute significantly to a healthy business process of continuous improvement.
Download Our Guide
To find out more about how temporary construction workers can help benefit you and your next construction project, download our guide to securing an exceptional temporary workforce or get in touch with our team.